results for breakfast international

Breakfast International {part thirtysix}

Name: Isobel
Blog/ Shop:

Where do you live: San Francisco area
Your kids name+ age: Holden, 12 1/2 months old

What do they have for breakfast: Every morning for breakfast Holden has a few plain Cheerios, which I usually put down on his tray to convince him to sit down, and Earth’s Best Oatmeal to which we add a multi-vitamin with iron. Although those two are constants on a daily basis, we usually give him some fresh fruit and a few other options, depending on what mama and daddy are eating for breakfast.

This morning, Holden had part of a whole wheat bagel, a scrambled egg, and a fresh peach. On other days he will have a piece of toast with jam, a smoothie with kale, spinach, pineapple, and banana, blueberry waffles, or a hard boiled egg.

What do you and daddy have for breakfast: We usually eat the same things Holden eats because I just make a little extra and give him small portions of whatever we are eating.

Unlike his mama (I’m probably the pickiest eater in the entire world), Holden will eat just about anything. We are lucky in that he is not picky in the slightest and seems to love food. The only issue we sometimes have is getting him to sit still long enough to eat more than a few bites. Playing wins out over food every time. So we have recently started bringing an animal to the table with us and “feeding” the animal Holden’s breakfast. Holden LOVES this and will eat whatever the animal has just “eaten”. I give one bite to the animal, then one bite to Holden. He thinks it’s pretty hilarious and it makes mealtime fun. This morning, the tiger joined us for breakfast.

Breakfast International {part thirtyfive}

Name: Nathalie Coppens & Khairi Mdnor

Where do you live: New York City

Kids name and age: Milla Rose, 2 years

What does she have for breakfast:
Ever since Milla mastered opening the fridge it’s the first thing she does in the mornings – after having her milk in the big bed. She loves to eat and her favorite of the moment is yogurt. So usually her breakfast is yogurt with granola and some fresh fruits. We live in Chinatown so we have an abundance of exotic fruit stands in our neighborhood – Milla loves her golden kiwis! Being half Belgian, another discovery she made in the fridge door is the stash of Cote d’Or chocolate. So once in a while she gets her chocolate & bread.

On the weekends when mama and papa try and stay in bed a little longer, funny things have happened: One morning Milla walked into our bedroom taking a big bite out of the enormous piece of parmesan cheese she was holding saying ’Hmmmm.. I like it’. The other morning she was lounging in bed with us when out of nowhere she asked for chicken rice! (must be her other Singaporean side)

What do mama and papa have for breakfast:
When having breakfast at home, we usually keep it healthy and have yogurt with granola and coffee. And anything that Milla doesn’t finish.

{Please come back a bit later – I will introduce you to Nathalie’s cool brand called Superfussy!}

Breakfast International {part thirty four}

Name: Giova

Where do you Live: Amsterdam, NL

Your Kids names & ages: Luca is 11 and Nino will be 2 in a month

What do they have for breakfast: In Colombia (where mommy and daddy are from) breakfast is a big deal. We eat arepas, eggs, fresh cheese, chocolate and/or coffee, beans and rice, pandebonos, all in one sitting! Oh, and tropical fruit juices like papaya, passion fruit, tangerine and mango to name a few. It is a good thing that they aren’t fussy eaters, and they love their breakfast. What ever my husband makes (he is the designated breakfast and brunch maker in the house) they eat! Never just one thing for sure! Of course during the school period it is a bit more rushed, like PB & J sandwiches and cereal with coffee (they both love coffee). We are Colombian after all, and we all grow up drinking coffee! They also love pancakes, french toast and crepes with bananas and nutella.

What do you & daddy have for breakfast: The same as the kids with the only difference that mommy loves to eat cereal. And daddy eats all the leftovers from the kids, plus coffee and a PB & J sandwich (we go through way too many jars of peanut butter). If I leave something he will eat it too! We love breakfast, and we love arepas (a corn and cheese patty) so much that we’ll eat them for dinner too!

We hope you’re not too full just by reading this!

Breakfast International {part thirtythree}

Name: Sophie-Cahrlotte / Ma petite valsiette
Blog/ Shop: /

Where do you live: Rouen, Normandy, France

Your kids name+ age: Victoria 5,5 – Nicholas 3,5 – James 1 month

What do they have for breakfast: milk – english breakfast: egg – pancake – nutella

What do you (and daddy) have for breakfast: english breakfast with eggs, bacon, mushrooms, tomatoes, bagels, hot cross buns, jam, fresh squeezed orange juice

We are a franco-english family living in the French countryside.
Breakfast has never been an issue in my family when i was a kid but it s a serious matter for my husband so at week ends and especially when friends or relatives come over we cook a full english breakfast which can make you last all day !
My daughter is getting into it but my oldest son only has milk, he still refuses to chew anything, so he has only yogurt and apple puree but loves being part of the table despite his habits.

For our birthdays, we have breakfast in bed on special wooden trays that my sister got us for our wedding (7 years ago already). But what i love the most is probably having breakfast outside on the patio which does not happen really often in Normandy !

Breakfast International {part thirtytwo}


Name: Maggie Westhead
Blog/ Shop:

Where do you live: Palmers Green, North London

Your kids name+ age: Evie, 3, and Lola, 1

What do they have for breakfast:
Usually Weetabix, sometimes honey on toast and occasionally porridge

What do you (and daddy) have for breakfast:
The same. We have recently discovered chocolate Weetabix which is very addictive. Mummy likes it a bit too much.

I love breakfast time. Usually, I have managed to drag myself out of bed having not had enough sleep (thanks darling daughters), my hair is a mess and have just managed to get the children dressed (Evie likes to pick her own outfit these days you know). Once we get downstairs and to the table the morning routine ensues which is a relief. I make the breakfast and while doing so pull funny faces, do a little dance, pretend to walk down stairs behind the kitchen counter – anything I can do to keep Lola entertained and Evie sat in her chair. Sometimes I succeed. Once brekkie is served Evie and Lola usually hum in unision – they always hum if they are enjoying there food, it’s very reassuring.
I then sit down for five minutes and slurp some much needed coffee.
Finally, we are all ready to begin our day.

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