Breakfast International {part thirty four}

Name: Giova

Where do you Live: Amsterdam, NL

Your Kids names & ages: Luca is 11 and Nino will be 2 in a month

What do they have for breakfast: In Colombia (where mommy and daddy are from) breakfast is a big deal. We eat arepas, eggs, fresh cheese, chocolate and/or coffee, beans and rice, pandebonos, all in one sitting! Oh, and tropical fruit juices like papaya, passion fruit, tangerine and mango to name a few. It is a good thing that they aren’t fussy eaters, and they love their breakfast. What ever my husband makes (he is the designated breakfast and brunch maker in the house) they eat! Never just one thing for sure! Of course during the school period it is a bit more rushed, like PB & J sandwiches and cereal with coffee (they both love coffee). We are Colombian after all, and we all grow up drinking coffee! They also love pancakes, french toast and crepes with bananas and nutella.

What do you & daddy have for breakfast: The same as the kids with the only difference that mommy loves to eat cereal. And daddy eats all the leftovers from the kids, plus coffee and a PB & J sandwich (we go through way too many jars of peanut butter). If I leave something he will eat it too! We love breakfast, and we love arepas (a corn and cheese patty) so much that we’ll eat them for dinner too!

We hope you’re not too full just by reading this!

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