results for breakfast international

Breakfast international {part thirtyone}

Name: Daniela   

Blog/ Shop:

Where do you live: Lisbon/Portugal   

Your kids name+ age: Mafi, 3

What do they have for breakfast:
I think my daugther is a little bit like her mum and dad: we are not really hungry in the morning, when we wake up.
My first thought was to write “My daughter is a little pain the ass” :) – because in fact, she is. First thing she asks in the morning (and at night, and every time she sees somebody drink something) is water with bubbles, in her baby bottle. She never drinks milk. It started with breastfeeding, which she didn’t enjoy, and lasts until today: no milk for her (except at school, where she behaves like an angel and does everything she is supposed to do, including drinking and eating all things she doesn’t touch at home).
So then and to make up for the missing milk, she eats yogurt. Give her a strawberry one and she will ask for vanilla, and give her vanilla and she will ask for coconut. Coconut is her favorite.
She also accepts cookies, slices of cheese (one brand only) and little toasts with butter and honey. Sometimes. :)

What do you (and daddy) have for breakfast:
Mum and dad have coffee and milk for breakfast, something like cafe latte or cappuccino (with lots of foam).
We never have breakfast together. Never ever. We never sit at the table. During workdays, i have my coffee standing in the kitchen before my daughter wakes up. She will then have her breakfast watching some tv before she goes to kindergarten. It is the only way to keep her quiet in the mornings. (She is no tv addict, but some cartoons in the morning work for her to start her day). She also likes to have morning picnics on the living room floor.
During weekends, we sit around the sofa table, or walk around the house. Everybody in our house has his/her own rhythm in the morning, and we accept that. We will eat lunch or dinner together, later.
Mum likes to have cheese/ham toast during weekends, made from “country-bread”, and during weekdays, no food at all. Dad has coffee and smokes a cigarette (should not write that, but it’s true and he won’t smoke much for the rest of the day).

We also have a cat, that likes to eat cat biscuits and ham for breakfast.

Breakfast international {part thirty}


Name: Dani

Where do you live: Berlin is in Germany. Since 2003
Your kids: My five year old chief Ana
What do they have for breakfast: 
Most of the Time Choco Pops or Porridge. 
Sometimes (mostly on weekends) she´s eating rolls (really? This is the english Word for “Semmel”?) and Croissants with far too much Nutella (thank god, no butter! uuuh!), 
clearing the sugar shock with Kiwis or Pears.
It´s our first time to be together in the morning, we arrange our day, making plans for the day or the weekends, or sometimes giving advice how to treat some problems in the Kindergarten.
So she´s having enough time to appear that we have to go shopping, to clean up her room or something else (she doesn´t like ;))
What do you have for breakfast: 
First: Coffee! Without coffee I´m not really responsive. Meanwhile I teached Ana to make my coffee :).
And then mostly the same like the little one. I really love porridge, it is made really fast and with some Honey or fruits it´s really eatable :)

Breakfast international {part twenty nine}

brekky 2



Name: Kerstin

Where do you live:
Melbourne, Australia

Kids name and age: Iggy, 19mths

What does he have for breakfast:
There is not much fussing around with food in our house…we are very lucky as our little one has a pretty healthy appetite. HE LOVES HIS FOOD!
So for brekky there is weetbix ( THE! australian cereal!) …with a little milk and some stewed fruit……whatever there is in the garden or in season.
A slice of sourdough bread with butter or avocado and fresh fruit…we loooove fruit!

…we have a Kelpie labrador dog and she knows not to ask for food while we are eating. She will sit there patiently, stalking Iggy eating his food, while drooling ( actually drops) on the floor. Iggy likes to share and there is a lot of clapping laughing and throwing involved on his part. Luckily dogs love to clean up all the mess!

What do mum and dad have for breakfast:
We are a pretty late starter family..we get up anytime between 8-9am….first thing is a coffee otherwise none of us would function ( kinda sad!)
Andy has his toast with jam while I stick to my good old german habit of Nutella…( with lots of butter!) eeeeek!
We are very lucky to have such a variety of fresh food grown in Australia. You can get pretty much anything anytime….yummo!
So at the moment we love our watermelon, stonefruits and rhubarb….

{Thank you Kerstin and with Iggy the 2nd round of this series goes to an end.}

Breakfast international {part twenty eight}

Name: Sara Pike
Blog: ex- blogger for babyccinokids

Children: Zoe 10 years and Nicholas 6 years

Where do you live: We live in Malvern, in Melbourne, Victoria.

What do they have for breakfast?
Morning for me is the happiest time of day and the first thing I do even before I make myself a cup of tea is open the back doors to let the fresh air in!

I then get started on my sons brekkie as he is usually the only one who escorts me into the kitchen. He has either rolled oats or weet bix with milk, manuka honey and blueberries. If he is still hungry, and usually he is we follow this with some Jalna yoghurt and whatever fruit is in season – usually cut up apple and banana.

My daughter, who once upon a time ate everything is getting progressively fussy as she matures. Usually for Zoe it is a homemade smoothie which she often now makes herself in the vitamix ( she doesn’t trust me not to sneak in some spinach, LSA or wheatgerm which she unwittingly drank for years in my smoothie concoctions!!!) If Zoe makes her smoothie it will include frozen mango, banana, honey and jalna yoghurt. She may have wholewheat toast with butter and a ‘scraping’ of vegemite and some berries (if in season otherwise too expensive). If I can, I will also try and get them to eat some raw almonds and walnuts. But this takes a fair amount of bribing ((: like the promise of an ‘Igloo Zoo’ (frozen yoghurt) after school.

This is what they eat during the week. On weekends we often enjoy pancakes with jam or maple syrup (courtesy of my daughter, inspired by the junior master chef series) maybe a bagel or two for a late lunch with brisket or smoked salmon and cream cheese ; or we will go to a cafe for some eggs on toast which we love to do as a family. And on holidays I let them ‘go crazy’ and choose whatever sugary, chocolate – coated, preservative laden cereal they so desire!!!!!

What are mum and dad having?
Mummy- for me it is a cup of Earl grey tea, milk and one teaspoon of sugar followed by a piece of wholewheat toast, butter and vegemite. Maybe some fruit too – whatever is cut up that the children haven’t eaten! After school drop off it is always a weak soy latte with 1 sugar and ‘extra, extra’ chocolate on top. For my husband it is just coffee, coffee, coffee although he is partial to one inch thick vegemite on toast which is unusual for an Englishman! Oh and I try and give him a Berocca on his way out the door too for an extra boost of energy!

{Thank you Sara for that Australian breakfast.}

Breakfast international {part twenty seven}



Name: Julie Klear
Blog/Shop: Zid Zid kids and zidzid.tumblr.

Where do you live: Marrakech, Morocco

Your kids name+ age: daughter Noor age 10 and son Zak age 8

What do they have for breakfast:
I get up to make a good breakfast every morning, all as fresh as I can make it. Breakfast time though tends to be too rushed every morning!
Homemade cinnamon toast (on local daily baked Moroccan bread) with Marrakech cinnamon or homemade cinnamon pancakes in fun shapes.
‘Louisa’ (Moroccan lemon verbena) tea with honey or hot chocolate
Fresh fruit + yogurt salad
Music of the day!

What do you and daddy have for breakfast:
Mom (I always eat after the kids go + stay to work in my home studio)
Homemade Moroccan pancakes
Apple, Marrakech ricotta + honey salad
Earl grey tea

Dad (eats in a rush w/kids, he drives them to school, out the door by 7:30am)
Homemade cinnamon toast or pancakes
Granola with fresh fruit
Green tea (recent switch from coffee!)

On the kitchen laptop, every morning I line up music or top news stories to get the kids going and to give them something to talk about over breakfast and during their day. Recent music via youtube/internet radio:
– Prado Perez, music – just listen + dance
– Animal Collective ‘Merriweather Post Pavillion’ video – household fav
– Bossa Nova music – we talk dance style + style of music (my daughter is learning this style in dance school)

{Thank you Julie, another really great breakfast!}

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