Breakfast International {part thirtyfive}

Name: Nathalie Coppens & Khairi Mdnor

Where do you live: New York City

Kids name and age: Milla Rose, 2 years

What does she have for breakfast:
Ever since Milla mastered opening the fridge it’s the first thing she does in the mornings – after having her milk in the big bed. She loves to eat and her favorite of the moment is yogurt. So usually her breakfast is yogurt with granola and some fresh fruits. We live in Chinatown so we have an abundance of exotic fruit stands in our neighborhood – Milla loves her golden kiwis! Being half Belgian, another discovery she made in the fridge door is the stash of Cote d’Or chocolate. So once in a while she gets her chocolate & bread.

On the weekends when mama and papa try and stay in bed a little longer, funny things have happened: One morning Milla walked into our bedroom taking a big bite out of the enormous piece of parmesan cheese she was holding saying ’Hmmmm.. I like it’. The other morning she was lounging in bed with us when out of nowhere she asked for chicken rice! (must be her other Singaporean side)

What do mama and papa have for breakfast:
When having breakfast at home, we usually keep it healthy and have yogurt with granola and coffee. And anything that Milla doesn’t finish.

{Please come back a bit later – I will introduce you to Nathalie’s cool brand called Superfussy!}

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