Breakfast international {part twenty nine}

brekky 2



Name: Kerstin

Where do you live:
Melbourne, Australia

Kids name and age: Iggy, 19mths

What does he have for breakfast:
There is not much fussing around with food in our house…we are very lucky as our little one has a pretty healthy appetite. HE LOVES HIS FOOD!
So for brekky there is weetbix ( THE! australian cereal!) …with a little milk and some stewed fruit……whatever there is in the garden or in season.
A slice of sourdough bread with butter or avocado and fresh fruit…we loooove fruit!

…we have a Kelpie labrador dog and she knows not to ask for food while we are eating. She will sit there patiently, stalking Iggy eating his food, while drooling ( actually drops) on the floor. Iggy likes to share and there is a lot of clapping laughing and throwing involved on his part. Luckily dogs love to clean up all the mess!

What do mum and dad have for breakfast:
We are a pretty late starter family..we get up anytime between 8-9am….first thing is a coffee otherwise none of us would function ( kinda sad!)
Andy has his toast with jam while I stick to my good old german habit of Nutella…( with lots of butter!) eeeeek!
We are very lucky to have such a variety of fresh food grown in Australia. You can get pretty much anything anytime….yummo!
So at the moment we love our watermelon, stonefruits and rhubarb….

{Thank you Kerstin and with Iggy the 2nd round of this series goes to an end.}

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