21 delightful things for your December!

21 delightful things for your December!

This could be a great opportunity to share Black Friday deals. But I won’t. Ha! And I guess that I do not need to do a whole speech on why not because in the end… either you go get those (questionable) discounts or you don’t.

I am still here to share some of my favourite things I came across over the last weeks. And that I believe you will enjoy too. And in the end you may be treated with a lovely deal, because it is Black Friday after all.

However, and most importantly, I want you to have a smooth start into the last month of the year. A slow weekend to enjoy with some good articles, inspiring interiors, and delightful things for small and big.

Enjoy my December edit, a little bit festive, but not too much:


love letter blanket
OMG! The best! A Love Letter Blanket*. Write your own custom letter to a loved one so they can wrap themselves up in love. Make it extra personal by using your own handwriting, or keep it simple by using a font! The blanket will be custom made for you. Such a sweet present!
And have a look, the other blankets* are pretty ace too.


Really cute Christmas DIY ideas. Already saved to my Pinterest.


macrame plant hanger
Cool plant hanger*!


Lots of gorgeous jewelry*.


girls linen dress
Adorable dresses for girls* and matching hair bows!


Pimp your Christmas outfit with these cool earrings*.


vintage children room
Great vintage children’s room. Via Entrance.


Since I watched ‘A Star is Born’ – I am a Lady Gaga fan. Before I never really cared and thus did not know much about her. But her story should be shared. Because there is a lot of inspiration that can help others. This interview with Oprah is good!


gestalten_book_garbage dog
New book: Tells the tale of Garbage Dog surviving the streets of a big city and discovering the true meaning of family and friendship.


Do you know the co-op on Park Slope?


watercolour abc print
I could buy everything from this shop*, and actually have this print* in my kitchen. Perfect for my coffee loving husband and the tea lover – me.


Very interesting article about food in Berlin with facts, background, and history!


boy girl christmas baubles
Awwww… so cute these hand painted boy and girl star baubles*.


Great gifts for grown ups!


From our old home town, Malmo. The stunning place of Nina Persson! (The singer from The Cardigans!)


Book bin DIY. (to fill your holidays with projects!)


christmas pattern rolling pin cookies
Cookie Season made so much more fun with these great rolling pins*. Many cute designs to choose from…


Is blogging dead? 9 different opinions.


The children, the message (even more important these hectic social media filled days), and just everything!


Healthy chocolate and play advent calendar.



london calendar
London illustrated. Especially loving the calendar!


This Sunday Antoine does not have a football match so I am planning a visit to Daunts in Marylebone (you gotta love a great bookshop) and see the festive decorations. And then we will light the Christmas Lights in our little corner of London. A lot of neighbourhoods organise their own events to kick off the festive season. And this Sunday it is our turn. Street food, choirs, dancing, friends, and of course the lights that will be switched on…

Enjoy your first of Advent weekend and see you back here on Monday!



*affiliate links

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