Welcome new contributor – Marie from Tokyo

Marie Maglaque

So so happy to introduce you to Marie, my new contributor here on Paul & Paula.

Marie is originally from France and an accessory designer and party planner but also a nomad {just like me} who currently lives in Tokyo, Japan with her 2 kids and husband.

To be honest I do not recall exactly how I met Marie {do you Marie?} but it must be because of our blogs. Big world can be so small. We also managed to meet once at Playtime and I remember this crazy looking phone number calling me. A Japanese one to let me know that she waited on the other side of the fair…

Marie is such a cute and warm and sweet person. We kept in touch via e mail and social media and one day I just asked her if she could imagine to report a little about Japan and what is going on with kids fashion, design etc… there are gorgeous things but often it is hard to find them. Many brands do not even have a website and if they do, in Japanese only… hard to navigate for me.

Buuuuuut Marie said yes…. I am so happy because me too I am so curious to see, read and learn more from this part of the world.

Today I will also share a big report Marie did on the last edition of Playtime Tokyo! Stay tuned… lots of goodies!


Please discover Marie’s work here and her blog here.






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