Une belle époque – timeless children’s clothing

Une belle poque
Une belle époque
Une belle époque
Une belle époque
Une belle époque
Une belle poque
Today is a day where I am so excited that I can show you something!
Look at these pictures, these cute kids and adorable clothes…. ahhh, I am in love.

Vintage look taken to 2013, simple, timeless with lots of linen, silk, wool and fine prints. Mix and match and just beautiful all around!
Welcome Une belle époque!

Started in 2013 by two sisters, Dee and Nikki, passionate about timeless and simple children’s clothing.

“With a strong desire for good design, quality, comfort and service, the brand is intentionally small but globally minded. our clothes are inspired by french simplicity and victorian details. We believe in using quality fabrics. The collection is centred around core timeless pieces that allow children freedom to ‘run, jump and climb trees’ whilst still developing their own individuality and style. The clothes that we design are the clothes that our own children wear.”

On their blog they share their sweet story, which is a true inspiration!

I am looking very much forward to seeing more from this new brand… and I am sure it’s gonna be just great. Good luck xx


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