Summer kites {DIY}

summer kites
Summer Kites

For my first post as a contributor I wanted to make something simple, easy and for everyone to be able to enjoy.
But guess who ended up running with a kite behind them?
summer kites
Yes, that is us. Maybe times have changed? Maybe I have two kids with the wrong ages for this activity? But the kites looked so pretty it seemed such a shame to not enjoy them.
In case you happen to like kites as much as I do, and have kids in the appropriate age, then read along.

They are quite easy to make and I’ll bet you have everything that you’ll need for this in your home.
What you’ll need:

Tissue paper
Crepe paper
Thing string and twine
Barbeque sticks
Glue stick

summer kites
summer kites

Cut the sticks in the desired size.
Tie them in the middle.

With a long piece of string make a square. Tie it on each end.

Cut the piece of tissue paper in the size of the square, and fold over the string. Do it on each side, make sure the paper is a bit tight.

Tie the twine on three ends like shown, this is where the long piece or handle will tie to.

And don’t forget the tail. Make bows with the crepe paper, or just tie long pieces of tissue paper.

summer kites
summer kites

Then just go to the park and watch how nice they look.
summer kites
They also look quite nice on the wall.

summer kites
Or you can make really small ones and give them as favors at your next party.

Have a great and crafty summer.

Until next time.

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