Small Style

Happy New Year everyone!
I took it easy from Christmas onwards and enjoyed my family. We did not even travel this year but stayed home, cooked, played with the new toys, had cake and met friends…
A nice slow start into 2013, probably a good idea as we will definitely be very busy the coming months {more on that later}.

I took a few pictures here and there {many actually} and some are good to start the Paul & Paula year with some small style!
Not much about frills and ruffles and collar shirts here… not even for Christmas :)

Serious girl wearing:
Cardi: Knitted by mama {me] and it is really nice and warm, perfect for the season
Onesie: La Queue du chat
Dress: Le toit de la lune {daddy loves his little girl in that dress}
Tights: Zara Kids

Her Christmas Eve outfit!
Dress with golden stripes: Petit Bateau
Tights: Arsene et les pipelettes

Gift lifting.
Jumper: Petit Bateau {he is totally into stars which he just calls Twinkle Twinkle so this is one of his favourites and nice for Christmas}
Pants: Shampoodle

Hat: Knitted by me
Scarf/ Snood: Etsy  {so soft and nice}

We had a rather warm {10C} and rainy Christmas period, no snow boots but wellies!
Scarf: Kik Kid
Cardi: Benetton
Longsleeve: Mini Rodini {big fan of their grandpa tees}
Pants: MiMa

Everything from Mini + Maximus and sitting in the train…. tuuuuuuuff tuuuuuuff!

Shirt: Bonton
Love this on him!

Can you see that she is very excited to face the camera? :)
Cardi: Petit Bateau
Top: La queue du chat
Jeans: ESPNo.1

Top: Bellerose
Skirt: Gro
Tights and leg warmers: Le Big

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