
rafa kids
rafa kids
rafa kids
Good things are so close sometimes… in this case in Rotterdam which is around 1h by train from Amsterdam.
Rafa Kids is based in Rotterdam and soon will open a studio and show room there as well.

Last week I met Agata, one part of the husband and wife designer duo, for a really nice day in Utrecht {which is in the middle of Amsterdam and Rotterdam… ha, lots of geographic lessons here today} and loved to hear her talking with so much passion about their work.

Right now they designed 2 beds – one is the R toddler bed  and then you have the F bunk bed.
For siblings the F & R Bed Set com­bines the tod­dler bed with the bunk and the again the tod­dler bed can be moved around {wheels} and you can use the space under the bunk for other purposes.

RAFA are the four first letters of the family … you have Robert, Agata, Franek and Arek {her husband}. And I guess you know now where the beds have their names from?!

2 really cool beds, that look super fun and are made in Poland from the best quality, sustainably sourced European Birch plywood.
“Our mission is simply to make good and affordable quality design objects for children.”
rafa kids
The team is working on a bigger size for the R toddler bed due to a high amount of requests and they will soon add mattresses to the web shop as well, which means you can buy the whole package together, no need to find a suitable mattress anymore!

The last picture is a miniature model of the beds with a tiny knitted blanket – so sweet…

Thank you for creating beds that are beautiful to look at and that are not only a place to sleep but a playful element in a kids room!

PS: Check out their bedding collection as well.


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