Miniseri satchels

Next year, at the age of 4, KleinR will start school (I needed some time to find my peace with it as in Germany we start school at 6 and sometimes even at 7 when our parents think we are not ready yet or we are born a few days days too late for the official birth date – in Germany all kids start together on the same day after summer holidays are finished and it is a BIG event… by now I think 6 is far too late…)
KleinR will join the french school here in Amsterdam, in France pre school (la maternelle) starts at the age of 3 and even though it is not mandatory I do not know anybody who does not send their children. Anyhow we decided to let KleinR finish her last year in daycare as she really enjoys it there and we too are very happy with the place.
Being in France at the moment and a having strong desire to buy things I see and love straight from the shelf (instead of waiting a bit) I already found a satchel for KleinR.
Miniseri does such perfectly cute and old style (love love love) satchels that it was really difficult to decide for one.
Stars won the battle (did I mention that KleinR is fascinated by stars and I can hit big time with everything if only there is a star on it).
The satchels come in small sizes for pre school and in bigger sizes when “real school” starts and books have to fit in. There is a guide as well to demonstrate how to wear the stachel correctly. (some might forget with the modern backpacks these days).
By the way, in Paris you will see a few mums (ladies) wearing them off as a normal handbag…
Don’t pinch!

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