Cheme Designs – kids furniture

Play tables, art tables, desks, chairs and stools and all eco-friendly – this is Cheme Designs.

All pieces feature rounded corners that create a modern look while adding safety. Made from high-quality wood, products have clever design elements. The art table, for example, has an adjustable height for sitting, standing, or growing. All the finishes used are low-VOC and the furniture is Green Guard certified.

“At Cheme Designs, we believe in play. It is in this belief that we offer a line of furniture that is inspired by kids, the masters of play. Our goal is to offer original designs that are enticing to kids, appealing to adults, and safe for us and the environment.”

I do love the water play tables with a central basin. Plus they come with a lid so you can store toys inside and use it as a play table when the water play season is over.

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