
buokids - lights for the kidsroom

Since I am busy to finish the new kids {bed} room I am checking all kinds of deco shops and looking for inspiration and ideas… everywhere… and I think I came across this great little label from Spain through Instagram {of course… my latest addiction}

At BUOKIDS, they design and manufacture childrens lighting in their small workshop in Valencia, Spain. A personal project of two designers, Roberto Celada and Raquel Esteve.

And I really enjoy these soft light wall lamps – they look adorable and can really change the look and feel of a room. Such a great piece for a nursery as well… the biggest challenge could be to decide for one… do you have a favourite?
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buokids - lights for the kidsroom
buokids - lights for the kidsroom

But these tipi table lamps are also super cool! Beautifully embroidered…
buokids - lights for the kidsroom
buokids - lights for the kidsroom
buokids - lights for the kidsroom

“We are honest with our products and we base our production in small series made ​​with local suppliers. This combined with the fact that they are made ​​or completed by hand, allows us to control the quality of our products and pamper the finishing, so that when you receive it make you a little happier.”

..: BUOKIDS :..


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