Breakfast international {Paul & Paula series} part three

Name: Anabel
shop: Fournier

Where do you live: Washington, DC. U.S.A.

Your kids names and age: Daniela, 11 & Sebastian, 7

What do they have for breakfast: Fruit, Cereal , Bread & Cream Cheese. On weekends we make eggs and bread rolls… usually on Sundays.

Breakfast is sacred at our place. We never skip this meal and we always sit together to enjoy those first moments of each day. In winter we also drink hot chocolate and homemade coffee cake.

What is mummy having for breakfast: Wholewheat or Olive Bread with Cream Cheese & Cappuccino. I always make and serve my coffee in one of my “take along” cups. I drink my coffee on the road when I take kids to school or to summer camp {these days}.

{Thank you Anabel for participating.}

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