Breakfast international {part fifteen}


Name: Kerry

Blog/ Shop: Seventy Tree and here to the shop 
Where do you live: North London, UK

Your kids name+ age: Maisie (10, very nearly 11) and Albert (known as Bertie) 20 months.

What do they have for breakfast: 

On an ordinary weekday, they are very much cereal eaters. Both enjoy Cornflakes, Rice Crispies, Bran Flakes, or whatever we have in the cupboard. Maisie likes to have a mixture of cereals in one bowl. Bertie always shares a smoothie with daddy; who makes his own with bananas, oats, yogurt and berries each morning. He also likes to help put everything into the mixer and watch it whirl! 

What do you and daddy have for breakfast: 
As mentioned, daddy has a smoothie and sometimes porridge (he’s very particular about his porridge)! I like my cereal too, sometimes I have porridge or toast with marmite or marmalade. Oh, and I almost forgot, we can’t start the day without a nice cup of tea! Essential to my being able to function (if you can call it that).

The breakfast I have shown you in the pictures, is our weekend (often Sunday) breakfast/brunch. My husband makes drop scones, which we have with bacon and maple syrup. In this instance, as you can see, the food is a little ‘well done’ because I managed to smash a lightbulb during cooking, so clearing up broken glass took priority! Oooooops, silly me! It’s nice to all sit around the table together (although Bertie more often than not likes to throw his food/cutlery and then inevitably escapes). Afterwards there is usually some newspaper/comic reading. It’s a lovely part of the week :)

{Thank you Kerry for making the start of the 2nd tour and sharing your breakfast with us}

PS: See all entries from the first round here.

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