Best books for kids – by Pamela Bini

best kids books

My favourite number is FIVE so I love May. It is a happy month. Spring usually arrived and people are laughing and making ideas.

May inspires and I wanted to do something new on the blog for you.

The whole month of May, makes 31 days, I will share the FIVE favourite books of one my blog friends and other really nice people I met because of Paul & Paula.

I love books, especially children’s books and we can never have enough. And you will discover well loved books from people all around the globe – I am sure you will love it!

We are starting today with Pamela who lives in Genova, Italy and who is a mum of one sweet girl and the lady who launched My Child World.

1. In the sea there are crocodiles by Fabio Geda
This is the true story of a child of the 5 years of a child from Afghanistan to Italy where he found help by an Italian family. Incredible and touching: a must read!

2. The fantastic flying books of Mr Morris Lessmore by William Joyce
This is a book about the love for words, stories and books. A wonderful animated film was made on the script of this book which celebrates the importance of reading stories no matter if they are in traditional books or eBooks.

3. My special dinosaur adventure
Does your child love dinosaurs? Then create a special story for him/her. Customize this book with the name of your child and he/she will become part of this adventurous story.

4. Maps- Travel the globe
This book is a piece of art: amazing for both children and parents who love to travel or just to sit on the couch and discover new cultures and lands with the help of beautiful maps.

5. The sleep book by Dr. Seuss
Quote from my child: ” Mum,it’s time to go to bed. It’s time for the sleep book!” We love this book and any other single one written by Dr. Seuss.

PS: In case of double “entries”, they will just appear double. I think it is fun to see which books are loved everywhere and that have an important role in different households!

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