Beach & Bandits

Beach & bandit
Beach & bandit
Beach & bandit
Beach & bandit
Beach & bandit
Beach & bandit
Today is a great day to talk about beach wear!

The sun is shining, it is really warm and I am looking at these pretty pictures reminding me of the beautiful beaches in The Netherlands.

Also reminding me how important it is to cover up our little ones safely when in the sun, especially at the beach. Thanks god there are brands like Beach & Bandits that combine sun safe {UPF50+ sun-protective threads} and stylish so the whole crew looks fun!

Beach & Bandits is a new label and was created by the husband and wife duo, Hans and Jo-anne.

Through our hand drawn illustrations we want to capture your little bandits imagination and encourage their wanderlust. We want your kids to come out of their shell, go to the beach, catch some waves, live in the sunshine…to stay wild! But above all, we want to keep your little bandits safe in the sun.


Order your pieces here




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