A week in Brittany

Brittany, France
Brittany, France
Beach and treats!

We were so lucky with the weather this time. Sun every day. Perfect weather to hit the beach and just enjoy… {if you know Brittany you know that we were L U C K Y}

Brittany, France
Brittany, France
Ok, that jellyfish was actually violet but it looks so funky like this…

Brittany, France
Warm puddles and nobody stops you from jumping in them…

Brittany, France
Brittany, France
She just loved it! Wandered around, turned every shell and sometimes came back for a little cuddle and snack.

Brittany, France
We could have stayed forever!

Brittany, France
Brittany, France
Another great space the kids enjoyed lots was my mother in laws garden. Where lots of roses were just in full blossom and it smelled delicious!


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