The beautiful kids room of Zoi, Bianca and Gaia

The beautiful kids rooms of Zoi, Bianca and Gaia
Today we are going to Poland and the home of a very inspiring family. I am a big fan of mama Monika Lenarczyk and her magic touch when it comes to photography. Probably the main reason why she is, sadly, not blogging on Kaszka z mlekiem anymore. Photo jobs and, of course, her family!

No wonder that I love her home just as much. Her eye and great feeling for mixing genres and designs is a feast. Lets have a look into the room of her three girls – Zoi, Bianca and Gaia.

A lovely mix of vintage, girly stuff, finds and above all – attention to detail. Garlands (oh how I love them), cute lamps, cushions and beautiful bed covers. Just like I like it, the walls are white to give all the attention to the toys and accessories.

It is a cute room, no question. And I love the mix…

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The beautiful kids rooms of Zoi, Bianca and Gaia

The beautiful kids rooms of Zoi, Bianca and Gaia

The beautiful kids rooms of Zoi, Bianca and Gaia

Kutikai bed. As well as desk and chair from Les Gambettes. (love that you can mix and match the colours)

The beautiful kids rooms of Zoi, Bianca and Gaia

Garlands, cushions and bedding mostly from Numero 74.

The beautiful kids rooms of Zoi, Bianca and Gaia

The beautiful kids rooms of Zoi, Bianca and Gaia

The beautiful kids rooms of Zoi, Bianca and Gaia

The big mint-coloured armoire is lovely and you know what I really like as well? The beds. It feels a little bit like each girl has her own bed depending on their personality. White, birch and rose. Romantic, vintage and timeless.

Three girls. three ages. Remember the last room of a baby and toddler sharing a kids room? And how successful the room was designed. This is another great example… Sleep, play and work. All in one without feeling crowded!


Via Ladnebebe



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