The Easter Friday List


It is Good Friday today. Are you ready for Easter? I am, especially the long week end part. We will do some crafts over the week end, hoping for an egg hunt outside {but most probably will have to do it in the house if the weather stays} and will have a brunch with friends on Monday at our place…

What are your plans?

Tomorrow I will share how we dyed our eggs. I posted a picture on Instagram and got so many questions. I thought I will share and you can have fun over the week end… stay tuned.
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Above is a cute Easter Egg DIY to get you started… {still lovely without the colouring in case you are out}



Or this super easy idea.

Cool fashion for Teens.



I have seen some strawberries around and if I find some that taste like strawberries – I am really tempted to try this. Looks very yummy and is easy to make… Strawberry Balsamic Crostini with whipped Ricotta. Oh yes!


During diner for the next days, when the kids are done and keen to leave the table, I will ask them what they would like to have for the brunch. They will come up with some ideas. AND they will think which they can do themselves. Next step: Writing down {or telling me and I’ll write it down} what we will need…. This usually becomes quite an entertaining conversation.


easter bunny origami


Make your own Easter Bunny – origami instructions here.

Walnut & Walrus launched their first clothing collection.



Another diner conversation: Where do we go on summer holiday? Leonor wants a big house with a pool. Romy wants to go to Encinitas and Antoine to Santa Cruz {same direction at least}. There are many places we would like to see but somehow {and I think it is for the first time} we have difficulties to ‘nail it down’…


Remember my mummy&me post – here is another cool brand that does lovely MiniMe fashion.

ROO rocking toy

This is ROO – a rocking toy from Riga Chair.

Don’t forget to print our bunny cones.


romantic kids room

Romantic kids room with a beautiful quilt blanket.

I am, together with a friend, working on a new project.


But for now: Happy Easter dear friends. Thank you for reading and for being here. Next month Paul & Paula will turn S E V E N.




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