Marie Puce A/W 2012/13

marie puce
marie puce
marie puce
The two sisters, Camille and Anne, created the French Label Marie Puce in 2003.
All designs are exclusive and for the main part, manufactured in France.

Quality is top priority and only the best of fabrics are selected, such as authentic Liberty of London prints or cotton poplin. Prices remain very accessible – one point is definitely that Marie Puce only sells via their own online shop and their boutique located at 60 rue du Cherche Midi, 75006 Paris.
{Find me there one of the following days}

Above you see the coming A/W collection, with bubbly baby outfits {how sweet is that tiny cape??}, Liberty fabric blouses, cute skirts …
The clothes are easy to wear and are loved by children, teenage girls and mothers alike.
(Sizes go up to age 18 for some of the designs).

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