Oeuf NYC A/W 2012/13



Oeuf be good… is GOOD.

Wowster… this A/W is killllllllin me. When I saw these pictures I was gasping… happy… clapping in my hands… September baby here we come… I am so happy that I can dress my little girl in those coming cold season…!

Please tell me you love it too and please tell me that you think they should do bigger sizes… I would happily dress my 5yo like this as well…

And now… back to swooning over those pictures xoxo

And do not forget:
When you buy these knits, you help transform the lives of women and children in Bolivia. Oeuf partners with indigenous women to create a unique collection and a sustainable flow of income that allows their children to school. Each piece is Fair Trade for the benefit of all people.

PS: See all outfits here!


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