Favourite toys {Mallorca}

Good Morning, I am very happy to tell you that we have another part of my readers kids favourite toys here today.
Mandy from La Chicha shares her daughters all time favourites with us today!

Laura will be 2 soon. How time flies!! I still can remember each moment
of the birth (that’s why I don’t have a second one yet :)

2 weeks ago Lauras grandparents were here for a little surprise visit.
On the market they could not resist to buy her a little bunny. Laura
named it LILI and i am still wondering how much that little thing can
bear. It’s like a little doggy running behind Laura and she loves

Like every little girl she likes to play with dolls. Both dolls are presents from her grandparents.
The blonde one is from the old Sterntaler Collection.

The first thing she had in her bed was a white cat? mouse?…strange
animal, which we call just “TEDDY”.
She still has Teddy and don´t want
to sleep without him.

Laura really likes to watch books. Her favourite book before sleeping is: “Gute-Nacht-Geschichten für die Kleinsten”.

Thank you Mandy!

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