Gorgeous knitwear for little people

knitwear for little people
Yes! I can talk about children knitwear again… and without any big explanation… because we are heading into Autumn and it is time to get cosy. Yay.

So exciting!

And thinking about the transition, I believe that in the end I do not have a favourite season. I love them all and every single one for a specific reason. And getting the heavier knits out when Autumn comes along (and after that winter) is definitely on the list.

And as you know, one of the sweetest knitwear brands for little people is based in Berlin. I talked about Petit Kolibri before and I am so happy to show you the images from their latest collection:


knitwear for little people

knitwear for little people

knitwear for little people

knitwear for little people

The new collection will launch next week! And you should really get one of these super soft and natural alpaca knits. So timeless, elegant, cosy, and beautiful!

By the way… Daniela makes some pieces for mums too. Mini & me in soft style.


You love knitwear as much as I do? Have a look at this natural knitwear round up, these chunky cardigans for mini & mum, or this great knitwear brand from the UK!


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