Leonor’s & Josephine’s birthdays

Leonor's & Josephine's birthdays

September is a very busy month in our house {not that the others are boring …ha…}.  Back to the routine after the summer break, the husband always very charged with work and two birthdays to celebrate.

Leonor and Joséphine are exactly one week apart with their special day. Leonor turned 5 this year which meant that she threw her very first party with friends. A small, cosy and very selected party because for a long time she was not sure if she actually wanted one. My girl gets easily overwhelmed with too many people around.

And the little munchkin turned 2. Unbelievable.

We celebrated. Baked lots of cakes. Sang birthday songs. Decorated the house and saw happy eyes and lots of laughter.


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Leonor's & Josephine's birthdays Leonor's & Josephine's birthdays

Funny enough one brand – House of Jamie – that I got to know and followed since their first steps, celebrated a big anniversary two. They also turned 5 and launched a special Party Collection!

I still remember when I first met Barbara in Amsterdam and her then headquarter – her living room. With baby Leonor in tow. 5 years on, we celebrate and I can see my girls in these adorable tulle dresses and see why I love my job so much. Congratulations House of Jamie, it is so exciting seeing your journey.


Leonor's & Josephine's birthdays Leonor's & Josephine's birthdays Leonor's & Josephine's birthdays Leonor's & Josephine's birthdays Leonor's & Josephine's birthdays Leonor's & Josephine's birthdays Leonor's & Josephine's birthdays

October started. Autumn is here and when we need a little mood lift we take those happy dresses out and dance! It helps, promise!




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