Our week end {in pictures}

our week end in pictures
our week end in pictures
our week end in pictures
our week end in pictures
our week end in pictures
our week end in pictures
our week end in pictures
our week end in pictures

our week end in pictures

Usually when you ask me what my preferred season of the year is I would say: Any season… just that right now I feel like I looooove autumn the most. The gorgeous light and all the beautiful colours… I just cannot stop taking pictures!

{lets wait for winter and spring and summer… I will probably say the same but right now, when we walk through the park during our, by now, obligatory week end strolls… you can hear me whisper “ooooohhhh… loook… the colours… the leaves… ohhhh” all the time}

Anyway… this week is autumn break for the kids and we are all home {with a little to do list like passport pictures and baking cakes}.. I might do more posts on how the week is going because… right… it is  A U T U M N  break!

Have a lovely Monday sweet people!


Find more moments from our days here.



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