Breakfast International {part fourty five}

breakfast international
breakfast international
breakfast international
breakfast international
breakfast international
Name: Nele Hinrichsen

Where do you live: Hamburg, Germany
Your kids name & age: Greta 3.5years and Rosa almost 1 year old

What do they have for breakfast:
Greta is eating wholemeal toast or German Broetchen with honey and jam together with orange juice or hot chocolate. She also loves fruits! Her favourites are strawberries and nectarines at the moment. Rosa is loving Banana and Joghurt after her morning milk, of course.

What do you and daddy have for breakfast:
First of all we need coffee! We love it with lots of warm milk. During the week we are eating toast as well, but at the weekends we are getting some Broetchen (totally German) from the bakery and having them together with homemade jam, honey, smoked salmon, crab salad, sometimes a boiled egg…
Some weekends we really crave “our” English breakfast…that’s Egg Benedict or scrambled eggs with salmon. I also loooove French toast with Maple syrup, but I don’t get it here as nice as in London:-(
Have to learn how to do it properly myself.

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