5 amazing rooms for teens

teen girl room

The older our children get, the more they want to be involved in how their bedrooms look. Totally normal because our little people are growing up making their own opinions, decisions, and choices. A teen should hang out in a room that reflects them.

And teens have different priorities than little kids. They do not need a lot of floor space for Lego and blocks, but love a little couch or big floor pillow for reading, listening to music, or having friends over. , even if it means going for a laptop desk for homework over a free-standing one.

What are the essentials you are asking? A single, full sized bed is definitely one. And a good chest of drawers or wardrobe in a classic and subtle colour so it can withstand any changes of favourite colours around the room. Also keep in mind, a transformation does not have to mean that you need to toss everything. Bedside tables can be painted, a lamp can easily be updated with a new fabric shade. Yesterday article about prints in children’s rooms works for teen rooms very well too.

Get your child involved by letting them create a moodboard, a colour palette, and pick things they find interesting. Set a budget together and see how to make most out of it. It is fun and they can learn something out of it too.

To help you with some inspiration and to take away some ideas I have gathered 5 amazing rooms for teens here today, for you:

teen room with swing

Who would not love to hang out in that chair?


teenage bedroom

Very simple, stylish, and modern. A room for many years to come…


teen boy bedroom

Another classic place that leaves space to add your personal touch and adjust as you grow and change.


teen girl room

Loving the subtle hints of pink in this light filled room.


rooms for teen

Space for your stuff, space to read, and all surrounded by fresh mint tones!

More teen interior inspiration? I have more pink but so cool and these clean and calm rooms. And you may be interested in these very cool craft kits for teens too.

Talking about rooms, did you see that I am busy designing two children’s rooms at the moment? They will be shown during two design festivals in Germany in April and of course I will share them on here afterwards too. So excited, one of my favourite things to do.


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