Gommini – Wiegentisch

Gommini - Wiegentisch
Gommini - Wiegentisch
Gommini - Wiegentisch
Gommini - Wiegentisch
Gommini - Wiegentisch

Leonor is the perfect mum. She loves her babies. Dressing them, putting them to bed, cleaning, feeding… all day long! Every morning we have to take at least one with us to daycare… they are unseperable!

When I came across this very chic doll bed from Gommini I was smitten straight away BECAUSE it is not only a doll bed. No no… you can actually turn it around and use it as a doll changing table, little bench or stool… or whatever your kids can imagine… and it also means it is a dollbed the little doll mum can sometimes sit in herself {if you have a doll mum you know what I mean}.

Turning and shifting the Wiegentisch is no problem at all, because the milled out patterns make it easy to hold.

All products are sustainable, ecological and Made in Germany.

I also love those jumping animals from Gommini, the kids can colour them themselves and assemble them. Good fun on a rainy day!


You can order directly from their site!




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