Tun Fun in Amsterdam

This morning it was raining very hard in Amsterdam and I was thinking about the floodings we had in Germany not long ago.
After we had another and hopefully last appointment at the German Embassy to get KleinA`s German passport I took the kids to TUN FUN.
It is my “if nothing else crosses my mind” outing with the kids.
So what is Tun Fun?
Tun Fun is an indoor playground built in a former traffic underpass. There are playzones for different age groups, with trampolines (our favourite), jump cushion, ball pools, slides, and much much more to climb, kreep, crawl…
Plenty of benches and couches are provided for the parents to sit down. Well, with small kids you might be still very active to climb behind your little one through the activities but the older they get the more time you will have for yourself…
There is an area for small children with a fantastic ball pool that has a big light under it…so it looks quite space and all kids love it!
For the older kids you have different floors of crawling, climbing and sliding!
It is actually always a bit tricky to leave from there, today I promised some ice cream (bad mum…).
Which you can get there as well by the way…there is a little cafe with drinks and some simple food – just enough to recharge the batteries.
Changing tables and kids toilets are available. Even nappies are for sale.
We are back home now and I am pretty sure that KleinR will have no problems at all to find into sleep tonight…


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