The Nursery – an update

the nursery - update
Promised is promised and here is the update of the nursery… this time with the baby.

I shared this part of our house in the beginning of September {here}, 3 weeks before Joséphine was born.

If you like you can play “find the difference”. And to be honest we could play this nearly every day since I always move around little things. One day I find it is better in this room, then I like it more there, then I want it pure… then a little more colour… and so on… depending on the seasons as well and the person.

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the nursery - update
Joséphine moved in now and the nursery follows her personality too. As you can see I removed a few garlands and mobiles and we have a dresser now. Before we had a simple changing table until Stokke asked me if we would like to add the dresser that can be combined with a changing unit. {this unit can also be used on top of the bed or cradle and is delivered with a handy storage unit that you can attach on any site and will hold diapers, cremes etc.}

The funny thing was that they asked just in the moment we decided we move some rooms around over here and trade my office for a new bedroom for Antoine & Leonor. That means we now have 3 rooms in one. Lucky it is the biggest room in the apartment. It consists of our own bedroom, the nursery as well as my office {well desk to be correct…}. The dresser is great because it is super simple, stylish, functional and helps to make the room look a little more “clean”… {compared to the open changing table we had before}. Plus it has the changing station {that comes with a great mattress} which later can be turned around and put on top of the cradle frame.. and voila… a desk is built. Love it!

the nursery - update
the nursery - update
the nursery - update
And voila… the baby in her very own space!

the nursery - update

Here are the links to the products:


Home bed & dresser – Stokke

Felt swan – Sew Heart Felt

Giant beads – Design fuers Heim

Print – Fine Little Day

Reve letters – found during our holidays in France

Lapin lamp – Fourmonkeys




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