Space saving storage solutions for tiny children’s rooms

Space saving storage solutions for tiny children's rooms

Tell me, how often were you thinking about moving to a place with more space over the last months? Probably more than once.

But you are still in the same spot? Moving into a bigger home is not always the first solution. Because of friends, the school your child is loving so much, the commute you may have to do again one day, and other factors. They all make you want to look into space-saving solutions instead of moving.

And figuring out lovely and practical storage ideas for your kids’ rooms can be a challenge. The confrontation of making the most of toys and kids stuff can be called a design challenge. That is why I am sharing some space-saving storage solutions for tiny children’s rooms with you today.

You probably did some de-cluttering already during one of the rainy weekends. And that is a great starting point to get the storage situation off the ground. Kids room storage solutions will help you to maximise floor space for play and to give the most beautiful things room to shine.

Here are great as well as practical storage solutions for your kids’ rooms that you can re-create in your own home straight away:

Image: Minishow

Keep it Simple

The beginning of a good and organised room is a simple layout. Bright, neutral colours will open up any small space and make it more welcoming. Do not overthink and over-design, but make sure it is functional for a child. And what does it really need? Keep storage containers low and easy to access. And give everything a dedicated spot to make it easy to get tidied up.

kids room shelves
Image: Rafa Kids


Shelves are excellent for displaying your child’s most beautiful possessions. Be careful: Too many open shelves can make a room feel chaotic. It is better to use some great, coordinating boxes and containers on shelves to unify the look, or use shelves with doors.

Low shelves are easily accessible and great for toys that are played with often. Alternative book storage comes in the form of picture ledges, which are fun to line a little reading nook with.

Here are 8 ideas for children’s bookshelves!


multifunctional furniture
Image: Cuckooland

Invest in multifunctional furniture

Every little thing can make a big difference in a small room. And some pieces of furniture can actually do several jobs. A desk can be a bedside table and a stool can include a storage function for example.
A bunk bed is the best space saving thing there is for shared rooms. But, not only. It can also be very useful for small rooms in general. Underneath you can create a desk area or play corner, creating more free space for the rest of the room. Elevated beds with built-in storage are excellent as well.

Great children workspaces

kids room storage solutions
Image: Apartment Therapy

Make the most of the height of the room

All you want in a kids room is to have some floor space so the little ones can play. Remeber the first points about keeping your room simple and investing in multifunctional furniture. Now: We go up!
Put shelves all the way up the wall, there is always something you do not need every day and can be stored on the top.
However, keep things simple here as well. And do not overload your shelves or the room will look cramped and unorganised, not something your child will feel inspired in.

More storage ideas for children’s rooms


under window seat and storage kids
Image: Project Nursery

Dual utility

Window seats perfectly utilise the small space underneath a window and offer seating. Now how about combing that with some storage space? A wall-to-wall window seat doubles as an easy-access bookshelf and is looking neat.

5 smart ideas for small children’s rooms


woven baskets toy storage
Image: Studio McGee

Baskets, boxes & co

Woven baskets can be a great way to keep a variety of toys or books in order. They also look fabulous and add texture and warmth to a room. Alternatively, there is often room for a toy box or trunk at the end of the bed and could be used as a chair or table sometimes as well. And a child-sized clothing rail is a fun way of storing and displaying dress-up items.

Have fun organising!


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