
PIPEDO is a toy kitchen and the result of a project created for the XXS Design Competition de Yellowbasket Officina, presented in Milan during Fuorisalone 2012.

Now what is so special about it?
You have one “small” cube but many options – simply turn Pipedo around and you can choose which part of the kitchen you would like to play with: oven, fridge, washing machine or kitchen cabinet.
Ha! This is cool isn’t?
Little space taken, big playing – yes!

The prototype is made from Forex which makes it very light and easy to turn and transport for the kids. {The prototype was produced through a collaboration between Maria Piovano and t-fish.}

PIPEDO size: 70X40X40

As it is a prototype which hopefully goes into production very soon please Contact Maria directly if you would like to buy one!


Design by We Blog You + Developed for Wordpress by Brandi Bernoskie