
I really want to show you more books, kids books my kids adore and books I am happy to have here. I am a Buchwurm (as we say in Germany which translates into bookworm) and could spend nights reading. No surprise that I like to give books and love to browse book stores. Having kids means I could expand my love…

This book called Oxiseau is a true beauty. I am still so happy that I found it and have shown it already to everybody who visited us.
First of all the book is BIG, 28 x 36cm, which makes it even more stunning.
It teaches all sorts and kinds of birds with the help of flaps
opening in forms of nests or worms.
Discover by unfolding, lifting, guessing… birds are hidden
under feathers or inside an egg.
or toucan?
Wonderful layout with gorgeous images, perfect for little explorers. KleinR is looking out for the birds from the book when we go to the Zoo.
Available here for Europe and here for US.

There is a similar book called Axinamu about animals. Looks pretty amazing as well!


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