News from Sweden – after school started

Yesterday my camera crossed my way and I had to take a few pics… KleinL always next, in front and everywhere …

And I know how curious you all are to see a little more from our new life and house.
Just a few sneaks and no “styling” whatsoever… time for that later when I am done with my “project nursery” mission!
What happened since my last update?

We did 1 1/2 weeks of school:

Romy found friends and is opening up a little more every day. She always needs to settle and feel comfortable before she would “really be herself” and her teacher assures me that she takes a bigger step every day.

Antoine cried every morning last week but stopped doing so this week. Phewwww…
Nobody likes to leave a crying child behind isn’t?
He really likes his teachers and is actually quite excited to be in school…
This little monkey will start daycare in October and we are very very lucky: We already got a spot and I went to visit last week.
Very close to our house and on the way for daddy from and to work. Bonus: She will have a German teacher in her group making it a little easier for me to communicate in the beginning.
We were meeting Niki from My Scandinavian home and family and it was super nice.

It is such a difference when you already have a few connections or people you know in your new city.
What else:

We had a brilliant internet connection for 1/2 a day and now waiting for a technician. Baring with this internet via stick super slow version as good as I can and I am horrible when it comes to slow internet!

Still trying all the new stuff from the supermarkets here and searching for yoghurt that is not liquid as milk and not as thick as clotted cream… a mission.

Romy and Antoine are still sleeping in one room. Romy has her own room now but when it comes to bedtime they both do not want to be seperated.

My first membership card in Sweden is from Illums Bolighus!

I will start Swedish classes once Leonor starts daycare… high expectations from everyone because all I hear is: Will be sooooo easy for you because you are German!

… more updates soon…

Images: Paul & Paula

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