My favourite kids tables and desks {please help choosing}

 come and draw
Heading to Malmo this week looking for a new place to live I already have a hard time not to shop all kinds of stuff for the kids rooms. Their room is teeny tiny right now so it can only get better :)

First thing on the list is a table for the kids. To draw, paint, craft, play…
But which one? There are many possibilities, designs etc… here are my favourites and I am asking for your input! Which one? Why? Or maybe you can direct me to one that YOU love?
Please help!

Come and draw.
I love it and I love the idea but maybe a bit small for 3?
On my wish list for a long time actually. I love the design and the idea.
What do you think… ?

Table with bench and chairs from Stek. Some space to store papers etc….

growing table
Growing table.
You can adjust the height but of course with 3 different age groups it would stay at the “universal” level. There are boxes available which you can click into the holes on the table.

stool set
Stool set.
Lovely design!

oskar at work
Oskar at work.
Storage in the table and bench, different colours and the table is 110cm long. Should be good for 3 no?

kids on roof
Kids on roof.
Another fun design, round edges. Hmmmm….

chalkboard tableChalkboard table.
Another fun and great idea.

we do wood
We do wood desk.
Yes exactly – more a desk but I really like it!

caspar perludi
Caspar table.
A bit the same idea as the growing table.

Beautiful table from Krethaus.
More a desk as well.

Or I buy 3 of these …haha…

So yes… please let me know. Maybe you have one of these at home and can share how you and the kids like it… would love to hear! xx

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