moi kidz

moi kidz

Day three of our Iceland Week and it is nothing knitted today:

Mói is a children’s fashion brand from Iceland creating stylish and funky clothes for children with a dash of attitude.  The urban brand wants to inspire sustainable living, being free and the desire to make the earth a better place.

This is done through certified production methods, which are responsible, ethical and organic.

The urban designs are mostly gender neutral and dress kids from 0–12 years of age. Organic cotton basics that are easy to mix and match and wear with comfort on all occasions.

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moi kidz

moi kidz

moi kidz

moi kidz

moi kidz
The Mói workshop & concept store is located in the heart of downtown Reykjavík. Here you can explore the world of Mói and even rare Mói items can be purchased here. We have it on our list for Reykjavik already.

By the way – both the name and logo of Mói is the name of an Icelandic raven {Krummi in Icelandic}. He was the designer’s family member for years because it came to his house nearly every day for many years.
They fed the bird everyday and offered him a shelter and named him Mói.



Day One: As We Grow

Day Two: Ylur





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