Lorafolk for kids – babyfolk

lorafolk // babyfolk
Maybe some of you remember that I got engaged. Yes… right… I am not married. And yes… I know… I always call my *boyfriend* my HUSBAND but after 4 children together… boyfriend really does sound strange.

The whole engagement thing dates back to January 2014 {already}. Lots of things happened and as crazy as it sounds – no time to get into wedding planning activities. We are also spinning back and for ideas on where, how, big, small etc… and so on… big party with everyone we love for example? But where?

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Anyways… sometimes I do happen to see a wedding dress that I like {Hello Pinterest} and get taken away… about the dress I actually have a rather good idea of what I would love to wear. And this is how I stumbled upon Lorafolk and their kids collection called Babyfolk. It is all very much up my alley. Very elegant yet simple. Sophisticated but not too many frills and ruffles. Classic and very stylish. L O V E.

lorafolk // babyfolk
lorafolk // babyfolk
lorafolk // babyfolk
lorafolk // babyfolk
lorafolk // babyfolk
lorafolk // babyfolk

Lorafolk is a brand that creates custom wedding dresses in the finest tradition of French craft expertise. The Babyfolk collection is especially designed for the bridesmaids.

The collection consists of two models, Jeanette and Ninon, for little girls, between 2 to 8 years.

And aren’t these pictures the cutest?




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