Holt and Lulu

Holt and Lulu
Holt and Lulu
Holt and Lulu
Holt and Lulu
Holt and Lulu
Holt and Lulu
Holt and Lulu is inspired from the love of all things fashion and rooted from the love of all children. They exude the way we all should live: Free spirited, curious and adventurous.

“The goal is to let kids be kids, fashionably. Always keeping function in mind, Holt and Lulu designs are clean and modern with an edge. It’s not about following trends but providing effortless style. Holt and Lulu represents urbane moms and dads of today, making parenting with style, easy.”

A really fresh brand based in Seattle with all products made in the US.

I love all the skirts and the way they show you how to wear them: with some cool sneakers or heavy boots. And that boy just looks like the one I want in my house too…
Thank you for this very awesome approach to kids fashion and plus consider to do bigger sizes VERY soon… merci!


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