Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Hello dear friends… the blog was a little silent over the Christmas & New Years period. A last minute decision I took and felt right… a break, taking time to spend with the family, staying away from social media and so on and it felt good.

And just before Christmas the blog moved to a new platform & host and as with any other move. Big things are done rather quickly and the details take a little longer. Normally the change did not affect you at all… just here behind the scenes…

For once we did not travel and celebrated Christmas at home. The 5 of us. Including waiting for Santa, getting all presents on the 24th under the tree and so on… I cannot remember the last time we did this but I know it was nice.

We also saw good friends, did trips to Copenhagen and enjoyed some snow. We had a fun New Years eve party and started the new year all lazy and with lots of food.

Talking about food… oh I need a detox. Between turkey, cakes, ginger bread of all sorts, cooking all day long… I am done :)

Green smoothies for breakfast it is and lots of clean food. Feels good!

Another reason why I needed a little break and energy boost is that 2014 was not always easy and perfect. We traveled a lot, had fun and enjoyed our life but we also had to go through some other phases that were not so easy. Unfortunately some are still going on and fingers are crossed for a positive ending. Moments like this make it hard to be on Instagram where everyone seems to live a perfect life… as an example. I started to write a post about it some time ago but never published it. I could not find the right words and you know… it is easier to write about happy things.

And 2015 will be good. It has to be!

Last week end we took out the agenda and made some travel plans {next to that I had my book keeping and tax returns}, something I always love to do. Cheers me up!

Above a few images from my Insta.

Many hugs and thank you for reading. I have lots of plans for this year and cannot wait to share them with you when the time comes. I am looking forward to be a little more creative {kids growing up means a little more time for experiments} and to working together with talented people.

Happy New Year and the watch out… first post with some great goodies with be up little today!





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