
“Gommini“ is a word used in the Swiss canton “Wallis”, where children don’t get a visit from the sandman at night, but instead it is believed that the gommini are coming round for a visit. Gommini are legendary inhabitants of the Gomser high valley in Switzerland. The gommini take the children to a beautiful world of dreams, a world full of ideas and phantasy.

This German design duo, Jette and Jochen, created the “ROSS” (rocking horse) for their daughter’s first birthday. They wanted something special, eco friendly and creative.

The biggest priority for all Gommini products is the creative play. The toys should stimulate the senses and the phantasy of the little ones and encourage a natural and intensive play.

They came across the wood-based material Valchromat. This certified, durable and solvent-free panel material is perfectly suitable for manufacturing children’s toys.

The products are really very creative. Minigoms is a landscape game with single pieces that can be connected to each other. A “predisposed” result that has to be connected isn’t there, but the landscape can be interpreted, combined and enlarged again and again.It can be used as a dolls’ house as well as a train rail or or or…

The cradle table is very multifunction as well. Depending on the position, it can function as a dolls cradle, table, stool, bus, petrol station or phone station. It is easy to turn it around as it is weightless and handy.

And their latest addition is Rupert. Made from cardboard –  kids can put him together and then paint and decorate as they wish.

Available via Toyella or directly with Gommini.


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