Gift Ideas for baby {2016}


Today it is about gift ideas for the baby. The smallest member of our families. When it is your first you probably have a very hard time to not to buy everything and too much. Because it is ‘soooo cute’ and things in tiny sizes are just ‘awwwwww…’.

If it is not your first you might wonder what to get because there are already so many things in the house and baby does not need much. That is true. Baby does not care really much about Christmas but we love to get them something special. Something to enjoy during the big day…

Here are a few ideas for you. Classics mostly but in a little different ‘outfit’ and yes… it was hard to select. There is so much to choose from:

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1.  Bobles elephant – foam furniture that tumbles. Helping to develop motor skills.

2. Wooden buggy incl. cubes!

3. Knitted dolls. {different characters available}

4. Apple music box

5. Cute baby cutlery.

6. Pink neon heart light.

7. Rainbow stack-up toy.

8. Famous Grimm’s rainbow now in pastel.

9. Beautiful spinning-top. {my babies loved to watch these spinning}

10. POP POP Piano.




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