German kids room design

I want to share a few hip designs I found whilst surfing. German designs. Even so I do not see myself as a typical German person (more European) I still really like to feature brands and products from the country I was born.

Growing table by pure position.
There are 4 heights you can adjust this table and stool.
The mobile holders for pens, roller marks, and books are simply plugged into the holes on the edge of the table.
The growing table is made in Germany in a workshop for disabled people.
Design:Olaf Schroeder

turn_to_sleep. A cot with rotating bars. The frame is made ​​of solid wood and painted in white. The bars are made from solid maple and some are painted in two colors. You can get a changing table to place on top as well.
Design: Iris Pape

MORGEN KIDS. The perfect combination of form, function and design. From a child’s bed you can make a sofa, from a changing table a dresser or CD racks.
Design: Sabine Mühlbauer

Spross. This bed is free of metal and all parts will be assembled without tools.
Design: Christoffer Martens

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