Gautier Studio

Gautier Studio
Friday and I will be off to Paris for Playtime this afternoon. A rather short and intense stay this time, but surely filled with lots of finds, catch ups and news. I will report!

And before I will send you into the week end I want to share this cool kids design label called Gautier Studio.

They call themselve a philosophy that adapts to the curious glance of children. To their way of playing, relaxing and waking up.

Founded by Adzif Inc and Maryline Lambelin, Gautier Studio is a home decor company that develops collections around play, creativity and inspiration. Because learning is at the heart of their product design. All of Gautier Studio products are designed with pleasant colours and minimalist graphic shapes.
Adhering to the principles of Montessori and harmonizing perfectly with the interior of your house.

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Gautier Studio

Gautier Studio

Gautier Studio

Gautier Studio

Gautier Studio

Gautier Studio

Gautier Studio

Gautier Studio

Gautier Studio
The Tagada Playhouse, for example, is a must-have for your family home. The minimalist design provides endless possibilities for creating a secret hideaway inspired by your own tastes and ideas. Your kids first own home!  A kids-only space that will be their go-to when they want to play, make believe, and create. You can add a bed base to turn the little home into a toddler bed too.

Gautier Studio is also and above all a local story: The collections are created with the objective of offering natural products and are designed in their Montreal workshop.

Maryline’s ambition is to have Gautier Studio to travel all over the world to share her philosophy! Today is a little step into this direction…




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