Elephant Mania

Artis, Amsterdam’s Zoo (I wrote about here and here) is expecting a baby elephant in June.
Did you know that elephants are pregnant for about 22 months (630-660 days)?

The Zoo opened a website just for this event. Counting the days (Thong Tai, the mother, is pregnant for 598 days today), providing an sms service to be the first to know when the baby is born and visitors could sent name ideas.

There are very impressive posters showing a baby elephant still in the womb, like a 3d scan. (You can see it on top of the website)
All together, my daughter is excited and celebrating her own birthday on June 25th this will be a FUN month.

We went to South Africa 2 years ago and during a safari we, as a complete surprise, witnessed a baby elephant being born. Even our guide was absolutely astonished. It was our first safari and had no idea whatsoever but he told us like a 1000 times that he has never seen this before. It was amazing. We drove away when the baby came out. Giving them peace.
The spectacle afterwards was so impressive. All elephants came and protected the baby. You could hardly see him/her. We drove back the 2 following days and checked on the baby. Already walking but still under “high security”.

Elephant Mania is Amsterdam!


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