Dreamy accessories for gorgeous children’s rooms

moi milli

Guten Morgen everyone. Today marks two weeks that my children have been in school and I am slowly picking things up again.

And I am crossing everything I have that it will continue this way because I would really love to continue working on projects and ideas instead of Google Classroom assignments and endless cooking. I am sure you understand. Somehow I am also only realising now that it has been 6 months and that it is a very long time indeed.

So, to end the week with something beautiful and comforting I am sharing the delicious home accessories* made by Klaudia who is based in Warsaw, Poland.

Moi Mili is a small studio, making lovely quilted bedspreads, colourful pillows and the most divine teepees*.

“We attach great attention to detail and everything we create we put a lot of heart and passion.”


moi milli

moi milli

moi milli

moi milli

Yes… I told you those teepees are extraordinary. How about frills and embroidery*, powdered flounces*, or even lace and tulle*?

So romantic…


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moi milli

moi milli

moi milli

“We want to create a pleasant atmosphere in every room, bring a smile to your faces and make your interior becomes unique.”

Everything is unique and proudly handmade in Poland with passion, close attention to details, and 100% natural materials. And you can clearly see the folk culture inspiration as well as the boho influence.


More interior inspiration for the little ones? How about some boho furniture or these rainbow wall hangings?


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