Dreams of Paradise

kids fashion editorial
Dreams of Paradise was the theme of our last shooting together with Maru. It took place back in March (and we even had another shooting in between already) and we wanted to capture the feeling of summer. The warmth, light and energy…

This kids fashion editorial is the result of bringing together small brands and designers under one theme. It is about sharing and to create beautiful content together that is shared by everyone involved.

And it is beautiful and very rewarding to see everyone supporting each other. Being part of the big picture.

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kids fashion editorial

kids fashion editorial

kids fashion editorial

kids fashion editorial

kids fashion editorial
We worked for this editorial with these clothing brands:
Cherry Papaya
Loulou des Indes
and for shoes: Coolis

All socks are from Collegien.

kids fashion editorial

kids fashion editorial

kids fashion editorial

kids fashion editorial

kids fashion editorial
The beautiful dolls are from Severina Kids and the toy storage bags from Bivouac.

kids fashion editorial

kids fashion editorial
The adorable flower headpieces are from MajulaHandmade.

kids fashion editorial

kids fashion editorial

kids fashion editorial

kids fashion editorial

kids fashion editorial
We created images for Little Pop Up where we included a few of the brands that Dimitra worked with in the past.

A big Thank you to all the children: Philine, Nanne, Naz, Noah, Scout, Jutta, Day, Mara, Annabelle & Pitou.

General credits:
Photo: Maru Alvarez @kidsphy
Styling: Peggy Juche @paulpaula
HMU: Ebru @ebru.visagie.makeup

We also did a mini look book for a shop. I will share some of the images with you once the full selection has been made. Stay tuned! It is stunning!

See our previous work – Velvet Underground & the Christmas themed shoot.

Please get in touch if you are interested to be part of our next project. We love to work with small & young brands, designers and shops. We also do full look books and are happy to hear from you for that too!



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