Cherry pit pillow

I have the impression that these very useful CHERRY PIT PILLOWS are not very well known outside Germany.
My friends were not familiar with this multifunctional wonder at all.
So what is it: it is filled with cherry pits and you can basically use it for all kinds of complaints or just for comforting your baby, child or yourself.
You can put the pillow in the freezer (it does not feel cold and clammy) and help bumps and bashes. Puffy eyes? Put your cold cherry pit pillow!
Warm it in a medium warm oven and it feels like a hot water bottle.You can treat colds or use it for relaxation. Very helpful for engorgements, neck tensions, backache, cold feet… as well.
In winter KleinR loves to take it with her to bed..
KleinA nicks it sometimes and thinks it is a rattle.
You can machine wash them too…
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