kids birthday

confetti feet

Four kids in the house means we do celebrate a fair amount of birthdays – every year.

Every month. Paul & Paula share some great party themes and ideas. Recipes that please a crowd and are to prepare. We love to celebrate!






Romy turned 7

kids birthday
Last week my eldest daughter turned seven. S E V E N!
7 years of being a mum and 7 years with her… seeing her grow and becoming the young girl she is today is such a beautiful path.
Happy Birthday Romy! So happy to be your mum xoxo

kids birthday
kids birthday
Summer break in Sweden already starts mid June so we went on vacation {as you could see here} and returned just the evening before her big day.

Natalia from Little Lulubel must have read my mind and asked me if she could help with the party preparations. Oh yes!
A box with everything we needed {think plates, cutlery, balloons, straws, napkins and and and…} arrived just before we took off, waiting for our return.
Doesn’t the table look pretty and cheerful?

kids birthday
We had a great and relaxing day and watched some pretty dress up outfits and fun performances the kids prepared during the afternoon!


You probably think I am crazy but I am already thinking about Christmas gifts.

Specially for the kids because I do not want to run around and buy something last minute. Something I am maybe not even 100% happy with…

What do you think about these precious dolls? Adorable right?

I love their little faces… the eyes that look like stars, the teeny mouth and that cutest nose of all…
Made in Berlin with lots of love and called moyoh.

Maja who makes these dolls can be contacted for any questions and/or orders!

PS: These perfect little round felt hats are the sweetest right? I mean….

Happy Birthday Leonor!

1st birthday
1st birthday
One year she turned 10 days ago.

She joined our family one year ago to make it complete. She joined us with a head full of black hair and was crazy in love with her siblings from day one. And now we are eating her first Birthday cake.

She is funny, full of character and wants to go quicker than her little legs can take her.
1st birthday
1st birthday
1st birthday
We had a very small “party” yet a beautiful and wonderful day.
Cake, party hats, balloons, singing and lots of kisses and laughter

If you follow this blog for a bit longer you probably saw me with the big belly, saw her new born pictures and step by step how she grows….
The year definitely went by fast but I guess this is just the path of life with kids.

{little buddy above is her partner in crime… }

1st birthday
Happy Birthday sunshine

 Images: Paul & Paula

Kids birthday party in the park

kids birthday party
kids birthday party
kids birthday party
Last time I showed you the pictures from our little “indoor” party here, today I finally have the pics from the big party we enjoyed at the park for you!

Our bike functioned as a bar and we were so lucky with the weather. In the morning it was still super dark and a bit rainy but once we started to decorate… the sun came out and it was really hot!
kids birthday party
kids birthday party
kids birthday party
You see that for the pictures it was actually nearly too much sun… but how could we complain after the strange spring!

kids birthday party
The cake – here still on the back of my bike. Made with love and hearts…

I have something with birthday cakes… I just ave to make them myself or it does not feel right. Cannot say that I had too much time this year but still… the cake had to be made at home!
kids birthday party
kids birthday party
Some colours, candles, sprinkles and yum!
kids birthday party
The goodie bags… no candies but paper planes to fold…

Images: Paul & Paula and Currystrumpet – who wrote this cool post about the party {so much quicker than me}

PS: Soon KleinL will be turning ONE, time is flying…unbelievable… so organisations and cake ideas will be on very soon again! 

100000 thanks to Minidrops who sent lots of goodies and deco for the party! I love that shop and I am very happy to share their things with you… check the other post as well for more inspiration!

Kids party food recipes {sweet}

kids party food
kids party food
kids party food
What more to love than easy recipes that look mouth watering and are a hit with kids and adults alike?

Both treats you see above I made for KleinR’s party and especially the marshmallows were a real attraction!

Marshmallow Pops

bag of marshmallows (the round ones work best)
icing (I went for the shop bought version, pink colour, just some warming up and ready to go)
colourful sprinkles of all kinds

Now put a few marshmallows on the skewers. Have your icing and sprinkles ready for use.
Little bowl for the icing and a plate for the sprinkles.
Dip each marshmallow in the icing and right after that in the sprinkles.
Repeat until no more marshmallows left…

I put mine in a glass to keep them up and let the icing dry.

Done and really that easy and really that beautiful result and so many possibilities…

Strawberry Pancake Skewers

pancakes and if you live in The Netherlands you can get Poffertjes as they are already in the perfect size – otherwise you can make them yourself or get/make pancakes and cut tiny ones with a cookie cutter

Now you slice your strawberries and heat up the poffertjes/ pancakes and assemble both on a stick.
Arrange on a plate and cover slightly with some icing sugar.
Done again and who does not love pancakes with strawberries? Exactly…

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